BioTE Method

Therapeutic Wellness

  • Overview

    BioTE is a leading innovator in precision and preventative medicine and therapeutic wellness that founded the BioTE Method, which identifies and aims to hep with the earliest signs of aging. The BioTE Method centers around the idea of personalized, precision care. The way your body works, the symptoms you experience, and how your body responds to BHRT are all unique. The BioTE Method of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy has been trusted by hundreds of thousands of patients over more than a decade. Dr. Eugenia Guray is a BioTE Certified Provider in Puyallup, WA and can help you develop an individualized treatment plan for you based on your body's specific needs.

  • What is Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy?

    As we age, our bodies naturally start to reduce the amount of hormones like testosterone and estrogen they produce. Hormones such as these are incredibly important to how many areas of your body function such as your brain, heart, bones, reproductive organs, and more. When these hormones are out of balance, people can experience a number of different symptoms. Bioidentical Hormone Replacement Therapy (BHRT) is a method of restoring the balance of your hormones and aiming to relieve these symptoms, using compounded hormones that are identical in structure to those your body naturally produces. That way, your body recognizes and uses these replacement hormones in exactly the same way it would hormones it produces naturally.

  • Importance of Hormone Balance

    Most women see a significant drop in estrogen and testosterone during menopause, while many men may experience a similar phenomenon relating to testosterone, known as andropause or more commonly as Low T (low testosterone). Hormone imbalances occur when there is too much or too little of a hormone in the bloodstream. Hormones are important for regulating most major bodily processes. Because of their essential role in the body, even the smallest hormonal imbalance can cause side effects throughout the body.

  • Hormone Imbalance Symptoms for Women


    Night Sweats*

    Hot Flashes or Flushes*

    Decreased Sex Drive*

    Weight Gain*

    Trouble Sleeping*



    Mood Swings*

    Brain Fog*

    Low Mood*

    Decreased Bone Mass*

    Discomfort During Intercourse*

    NOTE: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

  • Hormone Imbalance Symptoms for Men

    Low Sex Drive*


    Loss of Muscle Mass*

    Increased Body Fat (especially in the waist area)*

    Mood Changes*


    Elevated Blood Sugar*

    Feelings of Stress or Anxiety*

    High Cholesterol*

    NOTE: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

BioTE Nutraceuticals

BioTE Nutraceuticals are a line of dietary supplements that have been developed to assist patients who have various vitamin and mineral deficiencies, which may cause low energy, mood swings, poor sleep, and other symptoms.

NOTE: *These statements have not been evaluated by the FDA. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

ADK 5 & ADK 10

Includes essential vitamins A, D3, and K2 to support immunity and cardiovascular health. ADK 10 has a full 10,000 IU of vitamin D3 for those who have extra need for this key vitamin.*

Arterosil HP

Supports arterial health, particularly of the endothelial glycocalyx - which is the protective “non-stick” lining of our blood vessels.*

Bacillus Coagulans

Contains a well-researched probiotic strain that can survive harsh stomach acid. Used to promote healthy bacterial balance and immune health in the colon, while also helping gut discomfort, bloating, and stool frequency.*

Best Night Sleep

Blends calming and relaxing plant ingredients with melatonin to lessen stress, calm agitation and ease mind and body into restful sleep. Wake up refreshed and restored without that groggy feeling.*


Combines iodine with zinc and selenium to help support thyroid health, antioxidant defense, and immune health.*

Omega 3 + CoQ10

Combines omega-3 EPA and DHA purified from fish oil, along with Coenzyme Q10 (“CoQ”), a vital energy nutrient and antioxidant. It may help promote heart and circulatory health, brain health including positive mood, and healthy inflammatory balance.*


Crafted from a proprietary blend of three gentle herbals: the stem of the horsetail plant, Lindera aggregate root, and Cratevox Three-Leaf Caper. These ingredients combine to help minimize feelings of urgency, reduce the frequency of urination, and even lessen or end leaks and other accidents by improving bladder tone and pelvic floor muscles. It’s a great option for postpartum women, young women who do intense physical exercise, and menopausal or postmenopausal women. In addition, Urox+ can benefit men with bladder problems, many of which are inaccurately assumed to result from prostate problems.*


Helps promote healthy inflammatory balance in our joints and other tissues. It also promotes healthy immunity. Curcumin-SF is a premier nutraceutical for healthy aging.*

Methyl Factors+

May help promote circulatory health and maintaining positive mood, while also playing an important support role in the healthy functioning of your body.*

Senolytic Complex

Provides 5 plant polyphenols that may help protect the aging body against functional decline. It helps promote a healthy inflammatory balance and healthy aging.*

Vascanox HP

HP is powerful nutraceutical for cardiovascular support. It helps maintain healthy blood flow by increasing the production, storage, and release of nitric oxide and decreasing inflammation and oxidative stress to promote cardiovascular health.*


It is a combination of diindolylmethan (DIM), sulforaphane glucosinolate (SGS), and pomegranate that may help promote healthy balance of the body’s hormone systems and detoxification defenses.*

Multi-Strain Probiotic 20B

Contains a blend of 4 bacterial strains with 20 billion live probiotics per capsule. It supports regularity, healthy microbiome balance, and stool firmness during antibiotic use.*


Contains a potent extract derived from magnolia tree bark, dihydrohonokiol-B (DHH-B), that can help provide on-demand mood support while helping reduce feelings of worry and unease.*

vH Balance

Contains a blend of 6 well-studied probiotic strains into a single formula women’s overall vaginal health. If you’re experiencing burning, itching, unpleasant odor, discharge, or other vaginal symptoms, the balance of good bacteria in your vaginal microbiome may be off. The probiotic strains in vH Balance may help restore a positive vaginal bacterial balance and prevent future imbalances from recurring.


  • Originally developed in 1939 for women who underwent radical hysterectomies. Widely used in Europe and Australia, they are the longest studied form of hormone replacement therapy (HRT) to date.

  • Bioidentical HRT was very popular until a large pharmaceutical company, Wyeth/Ayerst, developed Premarin in 1942.

  • Pellets are estradiol or testosterone and steric acid is used to bind the "pellet".

  • They are no bigger than a grain of rice. Occasionally pellets may be felt underneath the skin due to swelling, this will typically disappear within 24 hours or in some cases, although rare, up to a month.

    *Limited gluteal exercises after insertion for 72 hours in women and 7 days in men can reduce swelling.

  • The estrogen and testosterone in the pellet are FDA approved. The manufacturing of pellets 503B outsourcing facilities are under strict regulations by the FDA.

  • 3-5 months for women and 4-6 months for men.

  • Over time, the pellets are completely dissolved into the bloodstream and eventually disappear. Patients will know it is time for their pellets to be replaced when symptoms begin to return. Patients will be able to estimate their own biological schedule for re-pelleting after the first cycles of hormones.

  • Pellet delivery system allows your body to use the right amount of hormones as needed. Blood flows around the pellets and absorbs the hormones at exactly the right time.

  • No. If they are currently on some hormone replacement such as creams, patches or oral HRT, do not apply or take their hormones the day of getting their blood drawn. Once blood is drawn, patients may resume taking or applying as directed.

    For injectable hormones, BioTE recommends getting blood drawn the morning they are supposed to receive their next hormone injection.

    Once pelleted, women will stay on their existing hormone therapy for 3 days and then discontinue on day 4. Men should discontinue their existing hormone therapies 7 days after pelleting.

    This is often the best method to transition patients off of existing hormone therapies.

  • Stray on your birth control. Pellets do not serve as a method of contraception. Premenopausal women need to remain on BC to avoid pregnancy.

  • A key hormone, to the BioTE Method, FSH, cannot be detected in saliva. Most insurance companies DO NOT pay for saliva testing.

  • Symptom relief can occur anywhere from 72 hours to up to three weeks for first time patients. Patients should expect to feel some degree of symptom relief within a month of pelleting or even sooner. Dosage and treatment plans may be adjusted if the patient has no symptom relief.

  • Some reported secondary responses are noticeable in the first two round during the initial balancing phase or re-optimization phase.

    In Men

    Mild fluid retention, acne or more hair growth as well could occur. Men may experience some testicular shrinkage, this is normal.

    In Women

    Fluid retention, especially in hot months, or some temporary swelling. This is temporary and most practitioners may call in a mild water retention pill if needed. Some women may experience some spotting if she still has her uterus, and was given Estrogen by her practitioner. Progesterone will be prescribed for those women to relieve this adverse effect. Progesterone should be taken in the evening with food as some women report it could make them drowsy.

  • An exercise regime is essential in optimizing hormones, reducing fat mass and increase lean muscle mass.

  • No. Pellets are released based on cardiac output. The more active you are, the more the hormone is released as needed.

  • Very minimal pain. Patients will feel the initial stick of the needle where the lidocaine/bicarbonate was injected. Most patients may feel pressure during the procedure. The insertion should only take about 3-5 minutes for women, a little longer for men.

  • Sodium Bicarbonate is not required to perform the pelleting procedure; however, it butters the lidocaine to reduce the sting of the initial needle stick.

  • There is significant amount of published scientific data on pellet therapy focusing on the heart, breast, bone, and brain protection.

  • The actual cost is determined by each individual certified practitioner.

  • Relatively the cost of pellet HRT is less than other therapies.

  • Most insurance providers WILL cover the lab work and consultation. It is up the patient to contact their insurance provider to see if they could receive any reimbursement.

  • Diet and exercise are essential components; however, it does not replace the loss of hormones the body experiences with the aging process, stress, toxins, obesity, and many other factors.

  • Cardiac output is the amount of blood that the heart ejects into the blood stream per minute, exercise increases cardiac output.

  • Yes. BC survivors may be treated with testosterone. They should not receive estrodiol. Patients must be evaluated by a certified BioTE Practitioner to determine if hormone replacement therapy is appropriate. Studies show, testosterone alone can address up to 90% of symptoms common in BC survivors such as fatigue, depression, bone loss, heart issues, libido loss, and many other health benefits.

  • Yes. After the prostate cancer has been treated or removed and the PSA blood test is negligible the patient can be pelleted. Studies show testosterone does not cause prostate cancer and has been shown to be good for the prostate.

  • Currently, the nutraceuticals are recommended for optimization and balance, specifically for hormone optimization.

  • It is beneficial and a great antioxidant. It improves thyroid function and is protective to the thyroid. There are studies that show iodine reduces the incidence of breast cancer. Iodine will reduce toxins in the body as well.

  • DIM contributes to a better metabolism of testosterone and estradiol. It also increases the patients' free testosterone. Probiotic repairs and restores the good healthy bacteria in the GI tract. It allows better absorption of nutrients from the food we eat.

  • It contains Vitamin A, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K2. The combination of these fat soluble vitamins are key nutraceuticals in maintaining healthy bones and healthy blood vessels in our hearts.

Getting started with hormone optimization is easy!

Contact us today to discuss if you may be a good candidate for hormone optimization.